Helen, my wife and I have been married for 46 years and have seen pastoral ministry as a combined effort. We both come from teaching backgrounds, and after being married for a couple of years, we both studied fulltime at a Bible College in Melbourne. I went on to further study and ordination as a Baptist pastor. We have 4 adult children and 7 grandchildren. I ‘retired’ from fulltime pastoring in one church in 2007. Since then I have worked as a pastor in churches in an ‘interim’ capacity: times varying from 4 weeks – 6 years. Our interests include:- gardening, cooking, Bible teaching, music, friends and family and people. As we have both been followers of Jesus for over 50 years, the challenge remains to be relevant and real. Being a Christian includes enjoyment, assurance and hope . . . a basis for our ministry.
Pastor Colin and Helen Rolfs